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Business to be taught in high schools

Update 10/01/2013 - 08:03:19 AM (GMT+7)

A pilot programme for business courses in high schools will start during the 2013-2014 school year, said the Ministry of Education and Training (MoET).

 Business courses in high schools will start during the 2013-2014 school year


A conference about teaching business in high schools was held in Hanoi on January 8, by the MoET and International Labour Organisation (ILO).

According to MoET, after graduating secondary school, about 30% of the students choose not to go to high school, preferring to work, while 80% of high school graduates decide not to continue education.

MoET opened a pilot course for 2,164 students at seven high schools and four education facilities. A survey conducted later showed that 49.3% students expressed interest in entrepreneurship after the course and 69.8% were confident they had sufficient knowledge to start.

The pilot course also indicated the importance of business courses, which may be taught at secondary schools in the future.

Starting from the 2013-2014 school year, business will be taught in 15 provinces and each province will choose 10 high schools for the programme.

According to MoET business will become an elective subject for 11th grade students. The subject will contain 10 sub-topics, such as the importance of business, how to star-tup business ideas and identifying and evaluating new business opportunities.

Nguyen Vinh Hien, Deputy Minister of MoET said, "The ministry will complete plans for the programme and prepare all teaching staff for students at high schools and centres for continuing education. In secondary schools, the subject will be integrated into other subjects."